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(148 review)

$ 3.50 USD

Bold and smooth, this classic black coffee is brewed to perfection.

  • Lorem Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  • Lorem nulla facilisi. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean sollicitudin magna vitae purus cursus, vel euismod orci laoreet.
  • Etiam lacinia urna ut risus facilisis, et feugiat arcu malesuada.
  • Nunc placerat nulla vitae erat laoreet, sed luctus enim consectetur.
  • Aliquam erat volutpat. In sed ligula eu nisi mollis laoreet.
  • Vivamus vulputate turpis sed lectus eleifend, nec luctus nunc vulputate.
  • Maecenas vel quam eu nulla auctor cursus at non est.
  • Donec auctor, felis vel varius feugiat, enim dolor sollicitudin elit, vel bibendum odio nisi vel libero.

Premium Arabica Coffee Beans - Organic

Awaken your senses with the rich aroma and bold flavors of our Premium Arabica Coffee Beans. Sourced from the lush mountains of Colombia, these beans are handpicked at peak ripeness to deliver the perfect cup of coffee every time.

  • Flavor Profile: A delightful blend of chocolatey richness, nutty undertones, and a hint of citrus.
  • Roast Level: Medium roast to preserve the beans' natural complexity and vibrant flavors.
  • Aroma: Inviting and intense, with earthy and floral notes.
  • Bean Type: 100% Arabica for a smooth, low-acidity brew.